Health Updates
3/12 Update:
3/12 Update:
Dear Friends and Family,We wanted to get you another update on Ted and his journey. Due to the genetic issues that caused the recent chemo reaction and hospitalization combined with the good news on the tumor DNA tests, Ted’s oncology team has decided to hold off on chemotherapy for now. This will give Ted a chance to recover some strength and weight and if this test or scans turn positive we can use the chemotherapy to actually treat something rather than restart now when it appears there is no active cancer growth. Ted has continued to recover and feel better. He is slowly putting on weight (now at 175 lbs) and and gaining strength. He even did a shift in the ICU last week but had to rest in the afternoons. There was one setback as Ted developed pain in his left calf and was found to have a blood clot in one of his deep veins. Cancer makes you more prone to these but this one is most likely from his prolonged hospital stay and severe dehydration. These blood clots run the risk of growing and potentially breaking loose and going to the lungs causing what’s called a pulmonary embolism. In order to prevent this Ted will be on a blood thinner for at least 3 months. This has not been a major setback as Ted continues to have a better appetite and has been more and more active. We continue to be so grateful for the ongoing support, prayers and many kind words. We love you all so very much!
3/1 Update:
3/1 Update:
I am recovering from my recent hospital stay and I’m feeling much better. My taste has come back so I’m eating much more with less nausea and the other GI symptoms have mostly resolved. I have just hit my 9th grade weight of 172 but I wouldn’t look good in a bikini yet. We are planning to gain weight and strength as well as follow markers to determine when to resume chemotherapy. We received really good news that a blood test that sensitively tracks tumor DNA was negative for the second time. This is very positive prognostically and we will continue to follow this test closely to guide chemo in the future. I receive so many kind calls and offers to help and cannot thank people enough for their caring and goodness towards me. I am humbled and overwhelmed. Many ask the hard question of what they can do for us. My answer to this is please just keep us in your prayers. I have seen the power of prayer with so much more clarity through this experience that I have come to believe it is truly the answer to the above question. I know that prayer does not always remove the storm but I have felt it ease the burdens and inspire action time and time again. Prayer connects us in ways that nothing else can. It taps us into the perfect wisdom and love of God who knows exactly what I need. So thank you all for your many prayers for me and Rebekah. I would humbly ask you to keep them coming. You are truly the best of people and I’m honored to call you family and friends!! - Ted